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Repeater DETAIL Page 9/27/2024
N8RV Repeater Detail Report    9/27/2024 7:06:08 AM
Repeater ID #12365 REPORT A PROBLEM (use this ID#12365 to reference this Repeater)
Call SignN8RV
LocationFrost, West Virginia
PL Tone107.2
Elevation3235 ft.(above sea level)
Auto PatchNo
Web Sitehttps://www.facebook.com/groups/508573649351015
Grid SquareFM08AF
Zip Code.24954
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CommentsRepeater is in the heart of the National Radio Quiet Zone ~15 miles SW of the Green Bank Observatory. Repeater is shut down as requested to prevent RFI to GBO.
Last Update1/3/2024 10:48:04 PM
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Pudge ForresterW4LTX/AAR3RFIs everyone aware of the exercise involving Civil Air Patrol and WV EMS
at Dilleys Mill this Friday evening through
Sunday? I expect to operate MARS and MARS
WL2K from there.
4/6/2011 4:21:11 PM10627
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